You might have the right to sue the driver who caused the accident or another connected liable party if you were hurt or sustained property harm in an automotive mishap. A Toledo car accident attorney can help you.
Any Automobile Collisions That Result In Injuries Must Be Reported
Any driver engaged in a collision is required to notify the authorities. Involved drivers should notify their car insurance provider of the collision and the insurance provider for the other motorist.
You Can Start A Paper Trail For Your Car Accident Case By Filing A Crash Report
It is a good idea to notify your event so that law enforcement can provide you with a copy of the crash report, which you can then use as support for your claim.
Law-mandated Minimum Insurance Requirements
Vehicle drivers in Toledo are required by legislation to have auto insurance that covers the following:
- $25,000 physical harm coverage per individual, including death
- $50,000 in physical injury coverage per mishap, including death
- $25,000 in compensation for property harm per incident
Drivers are not required to buy the extra mishap coverage that insurance companies may give, such as UM and UIM coverage for unprotected and underinsured drivers.
The Compensation Limits Have Exceptions
No limit may be imposed in situations where litigants experienced “catastrophic injuries,” such as a significant and lasting bodily deformity.
The validity of your claim that the limit does not apply can be discussed with your auto mishap lawyer.
Your Time to File a Lawsuit Against the At-Fault Driver is Limited by Ohio Law
Finally, you must act quickly to comply with Ohio’s statute of limitations if you plan to file a lawsuit for damages following a vehicle mishap. In general, there are multiple statutory dates for various case categories, but the two primary deadlines are:
- Plaintiffs must initiate personal injury claims under Ohio Revised Code 2305.10 within two years of the incident.
- Plaintiffs must initiate wrongful death claims under Ohio Revised Code 2125.02 within two years of the loss of a loved one.
- Your attorney will be able to determine which limit applies in your situation and any circumstances that might change the statutory deadline.
Find a car lawyer to help you navigate the court system if you have never submitted a car mishap claim or lawsuit. An attorney who is familiar with the Toledo auto accident compensation statutes and who is aware of the procedures to be followed in order to apply for compensation on your behalf.