One of the best new gadgets on the market is the Android platform. Android tablets are the absolute best devices out there for playing the newest games. However, many new games are simply better on smaller, touch screen tablets. I have found a few gems that work very well on even the smallest Android tablets.
The first one that comes to mind is probably Plants vs. Zombies. This is a popular game with many fans. The downside to it is that it doesn’t really work very well on many tablet devices. In-app purchases were a big annoyance on the old Android phones because you had to constantly go into a specific page and swipe my way through various options to make in-app purchases. This made purchasing certain things very difficult and was very inconvenient.
Luckily, Google Play has finally addressed this issue and you can now purchase all of your favorite apps right from your phone or tablet. With this new interface you no longer have to swipe my way through options like in the old Google Play interface. You simply click on the game that you want to purchase, follow the small download process, and then you’re done! All of your favorite apps will work seamlessly on your new Google Play tablet.
Another great new game that works extremely well on the new Android tablets is Angry Birds. This game has been downloaded millions of times and is still one of the best tablet games on the market. Unlike many other gaming consoles and handhelds, the tablet version actually uses a new game play technology that adds a lot of excitement to the game play. The best part is that it looks great and is very interactive as well. You can even take the tablet to a coffee shop and use it as a remote control for playing games on your television!
One of the new tablet games I really like is called Doodle Jump. I haven’t played this game yet on the new Google Nexus S but from what I have seen it looks very fun! Basically, you basically jump from platform to platform completing different obstacles and challenges within a few seconds. It’s definitely one of my favorites.
There are tons of other apps I would love to see on a new tablet like Dance Revolution Recharged. This game play is great and helps your memory in learning new dance moves. I especially like that it supports the Android 4.4 Kit Kat Gingerbread and the HTC Desire HD. No doubt these will be very popular games in the coming years.