Virtual Reality (VR) plays an essential role in many aspects of business and people’s lives. That will no longer only provide virtual and fun in the entertainment sector or big business groups because the advancement of technology today has developed to reach a wide range of people.
See a virtual perspective in decorating the house and choosing furniture. Meet the needs of many consumers has brought VR to the apparel business. To help enhance the shopping experience through the creation of a virtual fitting room. Allows users to try on virtual clothes created by VR by changing their styles, colors, or sizes. It is becoming a trend that will develop the online market of E-Commerce businesses more and more. ServReality technologies provides you the best VR service.
Brands are adopting VR technology to enhance their online shopping experience. To be comfortable and stimulate the purchase decision to occur quickly. The vital role that VR plays in doing business soon is
- VR is becoming the near future for every business to stimulate customers to increase their purchasing demand.
- VR can provide an experience for customers who come to shop better than expected by simulating home atmosphere design or decorations, clothing, use of the product, or the benefits that customers expect to receive from the service or purchase of goods.
- VR makes online shopping more accessible by creating virtual products in all dimensions allowing customers to experience the product in every aspect, so it’s easy to make a purchase decision.
- VR drives customer interest which may use to create a simulated story based on various hypotheses related to goods and services; it will give customers a clear picture more interested.
A Facebook IQ report reveals that 63% of survey respondents across 11 markets found their customers interested in using VR to view products without visiting a physical store. The businesses they were interested in testing before buying, respectively, traveled (71%), entertainment (59%), retail (58%), automotive (49%), and gaming (48%).
AR and VR technology
As for AR technology, it has been widely used. Many platforms, such as creating an avatar from Line’s face, decorating your face to be beautiful from FaceApp, or playing popular games. That is familiar and easy to do. It’s not redundant like VR, so it’s easier to own in a personal way. The main working principle is
- Marker acts as a location marker and virtual view for the computer to create a virtual image
- The camera or Sensor acts as a helper to capture information to enter into the processing system analyze the captured images to create a mock-up model.
- The rendering shows images or models that can simulate three dimensions with computer technology on a mobile phone or computer screen.
But AR alone can’t cater to all businesses. Developing VR to enhance the virtual experience that pulls customers away from the real world is necessary. Get excited with what VR offers better than AR to drive demand and make purchasing decisions which have now been developed to be more accessible and in many forms, such as
- Desktop VR or Window on World Systems (WoW) uses a standard monitor to display virtual reality.
- Telepresence is the use of remote signal detectors on an electronic device. to connect with users to display virtual images
- Video Mapping: Bringing videos as an input device and use computer techniques to display
- Immersive Systems Personal Virtual Reality Technology will use a head-mounted monitor in the visual and audio representation of the virtual world.
So, in this stage of science, VR is essential for business. It is allowing small entrepreneurs to adapt to doing business more due to lower technology prices. It is mainly applied to successful marketing both offline and online.