In the United States, there are a number of programs that exist for disabled people to receive benefits. These programs available in Phoenix, Arizona, include Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Phoenix also offers other federal, state, or local benefits for the disabled. These programs can be used to pay for various needs. For example, housing, food, medical bills, etc. However, these benefit programs are not easily sanctioned for everyone. There are stringent eligibility checks. Therefore, it is essential to consult with Pekas Smith: Arizona Disability Attorneys if you have been denied any benefits.
We will now see into the different types of benefit programs available for the disabled in Phoenix.
Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI
Social Security Disability Insurance or SSDI is the financial protection that the government provides for individuals who are too disabled to work. A person can qualify for SSDI if they have worked enough years before becoming disabled. The disability must last for at least one year or be expected to last for at least one year, and it must be severe enough to keep a person from working. Learn more here about disability benefits and legal constraints.
Supplemental Security Income or SSI
A person receives Supplemental Security Income or SSI if they have a disability that prevents them from working or if their income is low. In order to receive SSI, a person must first apply for the benefits and go through a process of thorough investigation. To qualify for SSI, a person must have limited income and assets, be disabled according to the Social Security Administration’s definition of disability, be blind, or have been widowed or divorced before becoming eligible.
Disabled Adult Child or DAC Benefits
Many disabled adult children don’t know that they are eligible for benefits, specifically the DAC benefit. This is a monthly payment that can help with everyday living expenses. If you are disabled, have your disability started before your 26th birthday, and were in foster care when you turned 18, then you may be eligible for this benefit. The DAC benefit is administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA).
Disabled Widow and Widowers Insurance Benefits or DWIB
People who lose their spouses may be eligible for benefits. The Social Security Administration offers many different types of survivors benefits to help people who are transitioning after the death of a spouse, including one specifically for people with disabilities. The Disabled Widows and Widowers (DWIB) program is designed to provide income to elderly disabled or widowers who need financial assistance because they cannot work.